Bend Cloud partners with Docker!

Bend Oregon Web Design

By now many of you have been hearing about Cloud based software Containers and a company called Docker that is currently a nascent but yet dominant player in the “container software” industry today.
So what is Docker and why is it important?

The Docker company has announced a container standardization initiative called Open Container Project (OCP) resulting in a highly efficient run time environment for cloud based software applications. This allows software developers to create software applications that will be able to run in a variety of Cloud infrastructures like Amazon AWS, Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure and others, thereby enabling the deployment of applications which are independent of hardware, language, framework, packaging system and hosting provider.


What does this mean for businesses that use Cloud Computing?

Software Containers are poised to revolutionize the way we currently utilize our software resources in a similar way that standardized shipping containers revolutionized the shipping industry making shipping goods long distances much more efficient and cost effective. An example of this might be that you have developed a web application that is running on your in-house private cloud (servers) and would like to be able to run the exact same App on Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure for field sales reps across the globe. Containerized web apps that are created using the Docker container stack.

At DockerCon in San Francisco recently, Mark Russinovich, Chief Technology Officer of the Microsoft Azure public cloud, used Docker to deploy an application on both the Windows Server and Linux operating systems. It appears that finally Microsoft is seriously making an attempt to play nice with other enterprise software vendors like Docker out of necessity for fear of being left behind in a swiftly evolving cloud and IT software industry.
What role does Bend Cloud play with Docker Containers?

Bend Cloud has partnered with Docker as a Service Provider of Docker Container Services. As a Docker service provider we can help you understand what this emerging technology means to you and how your business can take advantage of it for your IT and web development projects.

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