Should You Be Using a Cloud Technology Service?

Utilizing cloud technology has become a huge part of tech in today’s world. If your company is not already utilizing a cloud technology service, it’s time to start. The best time to start using a cloud technology service is NOW! Utilizing cloud computing technology can put your business at an advantage against your competitors. However,…


How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the World

Artificial intelligence has long been a source of fascination thanks to lofty projections from the mid 20th century and its portrayal in media. Although we haven’t seen the world-changing breakthroughs many anticipated in the early days of computing, there’s no doubt that AI is transforming our lives, and these changes are only expected to accelerate…


Web Design Trends -> Mobile First

Web Design has been evolving very rapidly over the past year as demographics and Internet content consumption change. One of the latest trends we are seeing at Bend Cloud is what is being called the “Mobile First” web design philosophy. 2014 will go down in history as the year that mobile devices reached the tipping…



Y4814 = April 8, 2014 = Armageddon. So what does Y2K have to do with Y4814??? If you have been listening to all the fear mongering coming out of Redmond, WA recently you probably know that the world ends today, and if you continue to run Windows XP you will surely end up in hell,…